Achilles Pain

This is pain above your heel and often comes from suddenly starting to move, slowing down or pivoting. It is more common in people who wear high heels as it puts a lot of pressure on the tendon and those with tight calf muscles.

Gentle stretching and wearing shoes with a low heel can be helpful whilst it is healing.

As with other tendon and muscle injuries it is important to strengthen the area as well to help speed up your recovery and prevent if from recurring.

If you have an Achilles tear that is either relatively new or just not healing completely try out the exercises in the video below. With rehab exercises it is important to have no pain with them.

If you have an Achilles injury that you are getting frustrated with or it isn't healing on its own and would like some help, please contact us or book in online.

Help With Running Pain & Arthritic Knees

With the chillier weather, along with the rugby and soccer seasons starting up again, those arthritic joints start playing up too. Research has shown that running or walking backwards can help. It reduces the amount of pressure your knee cap places on your knee joint, therefore decreasing arthritic pain. The reduced load on the lower body from running/walking backwards is great for those who have arthritis and especially for adolescents due to their hormonal changes and increased growth.

It takes less backwards compared to forwards running to create changes in the muscle tissue, so it is more efficient. It also creates less muscle damage and inflammation.

If you would like to know how to incorporate it into your training schedule, please refer to point 4 in the graphic.

Just make sure to watch out for trees and other people! 

If you would suffer from pain whilst running or arthritis, we can help. To make a booking, please contact us or book in online.