Top 3 Dietary Tips To Help Your Shoulder Pain

Many people are surprised to find that what they eat can affect shoulder pain levels.

In today's video, I will share with you my top 3 tips to help with shoulder pain levels:
1) What to avoid
2) What to eat
3) How stress induced over-eating is affecting you

Fuel For Your Back

Your back pain isn't only affected by what you do or don't do throughout the day but also by what you eat. 

What you eat affects your back pain and body composition. Your body is like a car's engine, if you fuel it with e-10 and it needs 95 or 98 octane fuel, don't get upset when it doesn't give you the output you want. Research shows that a plant-based diet is best to help reduce pain and inflammation. Whilst a purely plant based diet makes it harder to get in enough protein and you may be sad to not eat meat, the Mediterranean diet is a happy medium.

If you would like to know more about fuelling your body properly to reduce pain please contact us or book in online to start feeling better today as our chiropractors love being able to help.