After Care  – The first 7 days

Day one of your treatment, your skin will feel warm, slightly sensitive to the touch and may feel and look like you have mild to moderate sunburn, you may also have some slight inflammation in areas and dry patches in some areas, this can last from a few hours to 2-3 days, but usually the skin settles over night for most clients.

However, if your skin is irritated and still sensitive to the touch after 3 days, you may have an overreaction to one of the ingredients in the serums. If irritation persists seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist for an appropriate topical skin cream, (such as Hydrocortisone Cream or Anti histamines for relief). Another choice for a less reactive serum will be selected for you at your next treatment.

Do not use any topical medications, active ingredients, make up or sunscreen for the first 2-3 days after your treatment. These can cause irritation and sensitivity whilst your skin is still “open” – due to the micro channels made by the Skin Needling Pen.

Do not go into the sun for 24 hours, not until you can wear a sunscreen and or covering on day 3, continue to wear a sunscreen daily, especially through the duration of all your treatments.

To cleanse, use lukewarm water and a gentle cream cleanser to remove any impurities, with a gentle washcloth if need, do not attempt to exfoliate until day 7, (early removal of dry skin cells hinders the healing process).

Perspiring, sweating or heating up your treated skin in the areas, including hot baths, spas, steam or saunas are not advisable for the first 3 days, as this can cause cross contamination and exacerbate the “sun burn feeling” and salt from sweating will irritate the skin.

Wherever possible, stick to the regime suggested by your therapist at least for the first 7 days, to ensure the best healing process, rejuvenation and proliferation of new fresh skin cells and the kick start of new, healthy collagen and elastin fibres.

After day 7 you can use a gentle exfoliator in areas of dryness and resume some or your own night-time and daytime routine as normal, incorporating any serums suggested for you, to achieve the best results.

How is a medical skin needling treatment performed?

Usually each session is about 45mins, with 20-30 minutes of needling, a double cleanse and a hydrating mask or serum to finish.

If needed for the comfort of the client, numbing cream can be applied, but usually not necessary, especially on the fleshier areas treated.

The needling session should start with a test area, for comfortability and skin reaction, this will help the Therapist to determine the needle depth and safe active ingredient to be used for the treatment.

A chosen treatment serum may be mixed with a water based, gliding lubricant (when needed) for a smoother slide along the skin with the medical needling pen, the skin should be pulled taut for even distribution of micro injuries and absorption. Some areas may be crossed over in more than one direction to make sure all areas are covered completely.

The needling session is mildly irritating, causing a tingling, warm sensation which is slightly more noticeable on more bony areas, (the depth of needle should be reduced for comfort).

At the end of a session, the skin will appear and feel similar to a mild to moderate sunburn, this may last between 3-48 hours as all skins react differently.

There may be tiny blood dots in some areas or a line of red dots where a therapist may do more glides across certain areas for best results.

Treating and adhering to the advice with the correct home care advice (especially for the first 3 days) will give you the best outcome from your treatments.

Medical skin needling is usually achieved in 4-6 treatments, one month apart and for continuous maximum results, treatments twice a year is optimal.

Needling deeper into the skin to create more micro injuries does not necessarily improve the outcome of the treatments. Having more frequent than prescribed “medical skin treatments” (less than 3 weeks apart) does not allow the time for skin to heal effectively (it takes about 20 to 40  days for new cells to be produced). Over needling can lead to the “switching off” of cellular messages in the skin, resulting in collagen and elastin production to become “lazy’’ once again (as it does as we age).

Cosmetic vs Medical Skin Needling - what's the difference?


Cosmetic skin needling - uses mechanics such as derma rolling and micro pens, causing micro injuries to the epidermis (the upper most layer of the skin) to a maximum depth of 0.2mm, increasing the absorption of serums and active ingredients into the Epidermal layer of the skin, this layer consists of keratinised cells packed with Protein, Basal and Melanocyte cells (pigmentation).

This type of needling stimulates Keratinocyte cells to proliferate whilst inducing desquamation (deep exfoliation) of these outer most cells. With the added use of specific serums for maximum absorption into the epidermis, a fresh new appearance becomes visible around day 2-5, with the skin feeling softer and smoother and a light diffusion of pigmentation, in the surface level of the skin.

Medical Skin Needling - also known as Collagen Induction Therapy, is a treatment performed by a trained Therapist using a medical grade skin needling pen or similar.  Medical skin needling can create micro injuries to depths of 0.5mm to 2mm. The medical grade skin needling pen is a controlled mechanised “pen” that works at a rapid rate for maximum efficiency whilst providing minimal pain and discomfort for the client. The depth of the micro injuries is influenced by the area being needled, the thickness of the client’s skin and the treatment required. The thickest depth of human skin (usually treated by therapists) is about 1.5mm deep, with the needle depth up to 2mm used for scaring.  

The micro injuries produced by the medical skin needling pen, penetrates the skin beyond the Epidermis, into the Dermal layer, where collagen and Elastin is formed and also where blood, Lymph and oil glands lie. These micro injuries induce a natural healing response by the body, stimulating Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts (responsible for making Collagen), whilst upgrading TGF-B3 (the transformation of growth factor in wound healing) and increasing the proliferation of new cell turnover.  Medical Skin Needling treatments also increases the stimulation of GAGS – (water binding molecules), these molecules hold moisture in the cells providing volume and plumping. This with an improved stronger weblike matrix from the stimulation of collagen and elastin, further smooths out lines and wrinkles by supporting them from the inside up from underlying layers.